
Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Which is worse: a micromanager or a hands-off manager?

Getting the balance between micromanaging and hands-off managing was a lot harder than I anticipated.That's what I wrote about in my most recent article for Harvard Business Review, where I offer three red flags 🚩 🚩 🚩 that you're leaning too far to either direction—and what you can do to offer your team the support and direction they need to succeed.

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Growing Better, Not Bigger

Take a moment to step back from the given version of American success (grow forward & up!) and ask yourself: What truly feels like success to me?

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Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

It's all just practice for the Haunted Mansion.

I'm a major fan of the word "practice." I've even considered getting it tattooed on my arm.

Because that's what everything in life is, really: practice.

In our leadership journeys, we often focus on the destination that we're aiming for: that role we've set our sights on, the moment when we step into leadership by managing direct reports or a heading up a big project, or a specific achievement that we think will give us the sense that we've finally "arrived."

But leadership is not something that suddenly kicks in when you reach a destination. It's a practice that happens all along the way.

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Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

I want to be famous.

A few weeks ago, I submitted an audition video for a TEDx event.

Speaking at TEDx has been calling to me for a few years now. The idea of getting the opportunity (and the public speaking coaching) to share a powerful, resonant idea with a room full of people sounds scary to me in a good way—the kind of scary that calls me into a greater version of myself.

In the end, I didn't get it…and here’s what that made me realize.

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

#CareerDiaries: Quitting Doesn't Make You a Quitter

In this edition of #CareerDiaries, we'll hear from a 30 year-old nonprofit professional who, after seven years with her organization, is talking herself through the roller-coaster of putting in her notice and launching her own business.

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Resource Fridays, Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Resource Fridays, Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Resource Friday 4/23

Listen in as Muriel Wilkins coaches client Daniela on how to show up to her leadership role as confident, calm, and credible in this episode of HBR’s podcast: Coaching Real Leaders - Finding Your Leadership Voice.

It doesn’t come just by thinking “act confident!”—it comes with supportive mindsets, skill, and physical preparation…

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Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

What does it really mean to be a resilient leader?

Toughing through the hard stuff is part of our work as mission-driven leaders. But too often, we push it too far.

We hold resilience up as a virtue that we all need more of—we are rewarded for muscling through, for sacrificing in service of the mission.

Here’s how we’re getting the meaning of resilience wrong, and a more useful definition that supports sustainable leadership…

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Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Leadership Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Insecurity & Leadership

I have a new puppy / sidekick / coworker named Rosie. She's an adorable, quickly-growing, rescue beagle/terrier mix, and she is my first dog ever. What does having a dog have to do with leadership? As it turns out—everything.

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