Resource Friday 4/23

If you've ever been told to “be more confident” in meetings, you know how useless that feedback is.

Listen in as Muriel Wilkins coaches client Daniela on how to show up to her leadership role as confident, calm, and credible in this episode of HBR’s podcast: Coaching Real Leaders - Finding Your Leadership Voice.

It doesn’t come just by thinking “act confident!”—it comes with supportive mindsets, skill, and physical preparation.

Leadership is one of the key topics that we take on in the Career Collaborative Accelerator group coaching program, which launches on May 4th. You’ll grow your understanding of what leadership means to you, how you’re already practicing leadership, and how you can work with the leaders around you throughout your career.

>> Learn more and apply here!

Each Friday, I share a curated resource to help you develop your career and leadership. Check back next week for another recommendation to get you thinking, learning, and growing.

Carole Ann Penney, Founder

As a Career Strategist and Founder of Penney Leadership, I help mission-driven leaders navigate their work and lives with purpose and resilience.

How to Write Your Mission-Driven Professional Summary


Get in the Driver's Seat of Your Career