
Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

How to Navigate Change at Work

So many of the folks I coach are going through changes right now—one just gave her notice in order to start her own business, another is starting a brand new job after being at his last organization for eight years, and another is leading his team through a major change in structure.

Change is a major part of our work lives. We need to get better at navigating it. Let’s explore a simple model that helps us understand the structure of change and how we move through it.

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Setting Your Job Start Date: Why Taking Time Between Jobs is Essential

I've seen so many mission-driven leaders dive headfirst into new jobs in a hurry. If their last day at one organization is on a Friday, they'll start the new job on Monday. And why not? They're excited to step into new challenges and the organization needed them there yesterday.

But something I've noticed during is that these rapid transitions don't give us what we truly need. Here’s why it’s essential to take time off between jobs.

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