Tool: The Scale of Loathing

Wondering how to know if it’s time to move on from your current position?

Here’s a guide to deciphering that feeling in your gut: The Scale of Loathing from Pamela Slim.

Rate your current experience at your job from 1 (low) to 10 (high).

1-4 is The Chill Range. Your job may not be the best fit, but it's pretty comfortable working alongside great people or getting great benefits. It’s fine and hasn’t given you the kick needed to spark a change.

5-8 is The Angst Range. Your energy shifts noticeably on good days and bad, due to the company culture, a toxic boss, or the job itself. You often operate from a place of stress and annoyance.

9-10 is The Run Screaming Range. The daily stress manifests itself in physical and emotional symptoms like low energy, high blood pressure, and poor mental health. This is where it can get kind of dangerous—since you’re regularly pushing yourself so far to the edge.

So many of us power through the 9’s and 10’s. We take it in stride and power through—but this is not good for us and it is a disservice to our organizations. And just when we are most desperate to leave, we have no energy left to thoughtfully and intentionally plan our next steps.

Pay attention to where you are on the scale, and plan accordingly before it gets extreme. I’m here to help! Book a Career Mapping Session and we'll sort through your situation and make a plan for moving forward with intention.

Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

As a Career Strategist and Founder of Penney Leadership, I help mission-driven leaders navigate their work and lives with purpose and resilience.

#CareerDiaries: Quitting Doesn't Make You a Quitter


Help is Here: Welcome to Quit Week, August 22-28