Connect the Dots of Your Custom Career Path

Eight years ago, I custom-crafted a business card wallet for myself. I needed to make my own design because I had three different business cards that each needed their own pocket—one for my crafting business, one for the nonprofit where I worked by day, and one for the quilting guild that I started on the weekends. Then I became a coach as well, and I felt like my brain and my wallet were about to explode.

I felt like something was wrong with me—I was fragmented, and couldn't pick just one thing to pursue. Why couldn't I just commit to a path? I was "clocking in and out" of each role and felt like I was four different people instead of one whole, cohesive human being.

And then I came across the concept of a Slasher—someone who creates their own custom combination of careers—and I realized that I'm not alone.

Have you ever met someone who is a financial analyst/ceramics artist?

A nurse/yoga instructor/jewelry designer?

A speaker/author/consultant?

They're all slashers. And whether you know it or not, you are, too. 

Single-track careers are a relic of the past. In the modern job economy, we want our work to be an expression of who we are and our purpose in the world. And since we contain multitudes, there is no single job that will allow us to fully express ourselves. 

The upsides of being a slasher:

  • you get to create your own custom career path

  • you get to express your multiple interests and identities

  • you're deeply curious, always interested in learning new skills and growing

  • you can share skills and contacts between your various careers

In today’s career landscape, many of us balance a variety of skills and interests rather than going all in on a specialized path.

To help you uncover the thread that runs through all of the separate points along your career path and regain a sense of wholeness, integrity, and purpose, I made a free workbook for you to dig deeper into your dots, help you uncover the thread that runs through all of the separate points along your career path, and regain a sense of wholeness, integrity, and purpose. Download the workbook here.

Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

As a Career Strategist and Founder of Penney Leadership, I help mission-driven leaders navigate their work and lives with purpose and resilience.

Building Your Inventory of Belonging


To Find Your Meaningful Work, Look Under Your Umbrella