
Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

#CareerDiaries: Managing the mental ping-pong of a career pivot

One thing that all of my career coaching clients have in common: Whirlwind minds.

Everyday, they're playing a game of mental ping-pong, trying to figure out what the heck they want, how or if they can make it happen, and whether they deserve it.

One day, a possibility sounds promising. The next, they're...not so sure.

Navigating career questions is confusing and lonely. You can't be open with everyone around you about your dreams, doubts, and desires.

When you do share your dreams with others, you get advice and guidance that is often well-meaning but misguided.

Even within your own mind, it's a constant dialogue of tamping down the self-doubt.

It can make you feel like you're out of your mind…

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Why the best job I've ever had isn't on my resume

Four years ago, I quit my job as the associate director of a statewide nonprofit to work at the front desk of a massage therapy studio. It made no sense. You won't see it on my resume. But it's the most meaningful career move I've made. Here’s why.

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