
Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

What is driving your career decisions: purpose or fear?

As a career coach, I’ve learned that the driver for every reason is one of two things: (1) Purpose: moving towards something you want. (2) Fear: preventing or avoiding something you don’t want. Here’s how to figure out what’s driving you…

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

Growing Better, Not Bigger

Take a moment to step back from the given version of American success (grow forward & up!) and ask yourself: What truly feels like success to me?

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Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder Career Carole-Ann Penney, Founder

How to Identify the Right-Fit Opportunities

Being strategic means having a filter to assess opportunities for the right fit. Before I say yes to anything these days, I turn to my “Strategy Screener,” which lays out a set of questions that help me understand if this opportunity is something I can merely fit in or if it’s the right fit.

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